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Brand ID | AFcell
CHEMEX Corporation Pinnacle Spine Group United Technologies Research Center Cireca Theranostics, LLC EBTEC Corporation Heliovaas PelleVerde Capital Mayhew Steel Products Osiris Therapeutics, Inc. AFcell Mestek, Inc. Blue Slate, LLC
    • Client: AFcell
    • Creative: AFcell Brand ID
    • A newly created biotech company was entering the market with a unique surgical product—an in vivo wound covering comprised of a natural human material that was known for its therapeutic healing properties. The company needed a brand that would resonate with the surgical community and help to establish it as an experienced, credible player. LSHD leveraged the connection between the product’s core material component and surgeons’ long held belief that what comes from the body is best for repairing the body. “The Change is Natural,” announced an alternative approach to synthetic wound coverings, positioning the company in a way the competition could not.